EMIT World’s mascot-EMI, is born!
EMI is the image of a little magician who will use his elemental magic to create all kinds of magical objects and wealth in the EMIT world.
EMI is designed in the shape of a pyramid with the inherent stability and directionality of a triangle, signifying that the EMIT world can fly to the moon like a rocket on the basis of EMIT’s stable development.
EMI can also be seen as a baby in swaddling clothes, which signifies that the economic body of EMIT World is human, a newborn force that will continue to grow.
The green color represents hope, and the tip of the cap has the power to cut through everything.
The glowing triangle at the bottom of the EMI represents the elements in the EMIT world; the glowing circle represents the energy of the EMIT world; the four-pointed star on his cap represents wealth; and the crystal ball represents the original driving force called EMIT.
In addition, the first batch of EMIT stickers were born, these stickers are designed from EMI and represent the joy and sorrow of EMI.
To learn more about EMIT crypto technology, please contact:
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You can get more information through the following channels.
Official Site: https://emit.technology
Parchment Paper: https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/xr8b6
White Paper: https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/bymuk