EMIT has issued the first NFT medals, and builders became the first recipients of the NFT

EMIT Protocol
Mar 11, 2021


EMIT Foundation has released the first phase of the EMIT Builders Medallion NFT, which is awarded to community members who become Builders@EMIT in the first phase.

Up to 100 Builders medals will be issued in the first phase and will be minted as NFTs on the Super ZERO chain and can be transferred to the Ethereum and BSC networks in the EMIT Wallet via the EMIT Cross’s NFT cross-chain feature.

The Builders medal was designed by renowned painter Herman; the axe and the mountain represent the Builders defying the odds to explore and forge new paths; the branches represent the new life and hope that the EMIT crypto world has birthed.

As of March 10, 2021, 28 Builders NFT medals have been issued.



EMIT Protocol
EMIT Protocol

Written by EMIT Protocol

EMIT is the multi-metaverse which reflect the reality.

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