1,000 EUSDT bonus for free, Waiting for you to get it!(Already Closed)

EMIT Protocol
2 min readJan 12, 2021


1,000 EUSDT (USDT cross-chain assets on EMIT) bonus for free. To celebrate the global debut of EMIT “CROSS” beta version, EMIT foundation airdrops a total of 1,000 EUSDT (USDT cross-chain assets on EMIT) worth of bonus to which who join TG:
https://t.me/EMITconsensus4 for event details and to participate for a chance to receive the bonus.

EMIT CROSS is the cross-chain that enables FT and NFT assets, and is the infrastructure that supports the EMIT Epoch ecosystem.

EMIT foundation: EMIT Foundation is a non-profit organization founded to accept all admissible resources and build EMIT, a large decentralized world, together with other organizations or individuals with the same purpose, to ultimately achieve the vision: “building wealth with technology and building a decentralized world of complex endogenous economic closed loop.”

What is EMIT?
1. A complete decentralized world (EMIT Decentralized World)
2. The technology underlying the construction of these projects (EMIT)
3. A collection of projects that propel the birth and development of this decentralized world (the three EMIT systems)
EMIT Parchment:https://emit.technology/doc/parchment_v3_en.pdf
EMIT White Paper:https://emit.technology/doc/whitepaper_v1_en.pdf

How do I get EUSDT?
Simply complete the following steps:

1. Join the group: https://t.me/EMITconsensus4

2. Read The EMIT Parchment Paper:https://emit.technology/doc/parchment_v3_en.pdf

3. Click to open the EMIT community: https://community.emit.technology/ and post an EMIT topic that you care about (50 words or more, which helps you understand EMIT)

4. Share the posted screenshot to the telegram group, and you will get 5 EUSDT (USDT cross-chain assets on EMIT) if you pass the review.
Campaign Deadline: Ends January 18th, 2021, limited to 200 users.First come, first served, while supplies last.



EMIT Protocol

EMIT is the multi-metaverse which reflect the reality.